We’ve all heard the phrase “slow feet don’t eat” and it is true a major factor in developing athleticism is being able to have elite speed but heres where young athletes go wrong when training to get faster
They only RUN. Sounds simple right. Ultimately, more reps with sprints is what will make you faster, but you have to put the following pieces together to have a solid foundation.
They aren’t COORDINATED.
They don’t train HIP FLEXORS.
They don’t have weak HAMSTRINGS.
They don’t do enough JUMPING
They have insufficient ANKLE Strength & Elasticity.
They don’t understand the DIFFERENCE between Speed & Quickness.
They don’t do enough SINGLE Leg Training.
Okay so how do I Build Speed?
I’m glad you asked. It starts with your training program. For years in high school I neglected weight training or I only did Body Building which doesn’t prepare you to be fast. As a result, I was only able to make small gains in speed throughout my high school track career.
I wasn’t recruited to a D-1 college for Track & Field so for a while I gave up on ever being able to be any faster. But because I love running I eventually went back to the drawing board and started doing more research about Speed Development. I noticed that everything I was learning had more to do with the time spent in the gym versus on the track. So I changed my mindset and began focusing on ensuring that whatever I was doing when lifting weights would translate into me being a Stronger, Faster, & More Agile Athlete.
One day the Head Coach at the University of Florida Track and Field Team saw me training and asked me if I would like to join the team. Since I now had a good foundation he was able to teach me the ins and outs of sprint mechanics and by the end of my tenure in college I had become a National Champion. Cool story I know, BUT that all started in the weight room.
Now when I look back I wished I would’ve learned to train correctly earlier. When I started coaching high school level and even younger athletes I saw that they were making a lot of the same mistakes I had in an effort to build elite level speed.
So this made me hit the drawing board again to see how I could empower others that have similar goals to me to be able to reach and surpass what I was able to accomplish.
Through a combination of my own experiences & education I was able to develop an 8 week Speed Program to help you on the path to Elite Speed.
In just 8 weeks, YOU will run faster following reasons:
Increased Coordination. This is an often overlooked necessity to Speed & Athleticism. Running is an art, you can’t be good at it without great form.
Strong Hip Flexors. The higher you can lift your Knees the more ground you will cover which decreases the time it takes to get from point A to point B.
Bulletproof Hamstrings. This will allow you to have a faster turnover and push your body to the limits without risk of injury.
Explosive Power. The key to accelerating & break away speed
Stiff Ankles. The reason you will be able to absorb the shock of you new found power & quickly recover to minimize ground contact so that you push do the track, field, or court.
Unilateral Strength. This provides the missing link to Balance, Stability, & Body Control that all great athletes possess.
If You have a Need For Speed…
Now this program is not limited to those who want to run track & field.
its for anybody who needs a good foundation to run faster than they have ever had before.
Whether that is for football, soccer, lacrosse, basketball,
or any other sport that better speed improves your performance.
Access to 5 Complete Workouts with Video Demonstrations ($30 value)
They’re intense. They’re fun. They’re proven. I do a lot of unconventional training, but these are the actual exercises, I used to become a National Champion in College.
Access To CSCS Credentialed Trainer ($149 value)
This program was created by a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. There’s over a decade of experience packed into this 8 week journey. Every exercise was handpicked by me and addresses the common areas of concern for athletes when they are plagued by slow times. That includes building hip flexor strength, durable hamstrings, powerful quads, stable knees, and elastic ankles. If you have any issues during the next 8 weeks feel free to contact me at and I’ll send you a video link so that I can observe your training to provide advice and analysis on technique, posture, and perceived road blocks.
Access to Exercise Variations & Modifications ($30)
There’s a traditional way to build strength, speed, and power but sometimes you may experience difficulty completing those exercises. Things like Olympic lifting, Deadlifts, Squats, & Push Presses take a certain level of skill to master, but that shouldn’t stop you from reaching your goals. So if you have trouble, there are always alternative exercises that can be used to help you still get the benefits of training without the potential risk of pain or injury associated with attempting a workout you’re not the most comfortable performing.
The Total Value of the Need for Speed Program ($209)